Examines the historical roots of regional Caribbean food from the colonial period to the present day, and then moves to study Caribbean food in the global and Caribbean-Canadian diasporas, in the literary imagination, as a marker of personal, group and national identity, and as cultural expression.
Christopher Ramsaroop
Explores themes relating to visual arts, social media and theatre in the Caribbean. Topics may include: theatre, film, mixed media arts, the role of the internet and online publishing in the arts and the relationship between artists, the state and wider society.
Lee L'Clerc
Explores indentured migration and its legacies from the 17th century through to the present. Encourages students to think comparatively and transnationally about indentureship and diaspora, as well as indentured migration's relationship to contract and labour law.
Anil Persaud
CAR428H1 - Caribbean Migrations and Diasporas - CANCELLED
Examines Caribbean migration in the post-slavery era. Topics include: Caribbean diasporas in the West; labour migrations such as the Panama Canal migration; Caribbean migrant communities in Central America; intra-regional migrations between the Caribbean islands; 'guest worker' programs; remittances and their impact; heritage tourism and 'return' migrations.
Pablo Herrera Veitia
Department of Geography and Planning
Faculty / Division:
Faculty of Arts and Science
This course surveys the institutional and ideological structures that have historically internally and externally governed the Caribbean; the patterns of uneven development and crisis they have produced and the forms of agency, resistance they have produced. Centering the social, economic, and spatial inter-connectedness of the Caribbean territorial region and its increasingly de-territorialized diaspora, we explore possibilities for economic, social and climate justice for all Caribbean communities.
Beverley Mullings
Explores the Hispanic areas of the Caribbean including the Caribbean areas of continental Spanish-speaking America. Topics may include: regional politics, state and economy; revolutions and authoritarian regimes; popular culture, the arts and media; religion and society; gender and sexuality; state structures; diasporas and migration.
Bernardo Garcia-Dominguez
Explores, in depth, a country in the Hispanic Caribbean or a theme relating to the Hispanic Caribbean. Topics vary each year and may include: Cuban society; Hispanic Caribbean revolutions; Hispanic Caribbean music, art and popular cultures; Hispanic Caribbean diasporas.
Bernardo Garcia-Dominguez